
UNILEX Pty. Ltd. ACN 160 041 136 is an Australian company incorporated in 2012.

Gerard Prokop BA LLB (Hons) GDLP is the Director of UNILEX and a practising Australian Lawyer.

Gerard was admitted as a lawyer in the Supreme Court of Victoria on the 6 August 2019 and is entitled to practise law in all Australian federal courts, including the High Court of Australia.

Gerard’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Criminology from The University of Melbourne, a Bachelor of Laws with Honours from La Trobe University and a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice from the Australian National University.  Additionally, Gerard has completed the Practice Management Course from the Leo Cussen Centre for Law as well as the Trust Accounts Course from the Law Institute of Victoria.

Gerard has worked for the Department of Justice and Community Safety as well as the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing in Victoria and is an experienced public servant and government legal practitioner. Gerard has also developed and published software for both the Apple iOS and Google Android mobile platforms.

Gerard is a member of the Law Institute of Victoria and an executive committee member of the Government Lawyers Section.